Natural Remedies for Mastitis Relief


Mastitis is an infection that develops in breast tissue. The painful condition causes one breast to become swollen, red and inflamed, however, it can happen in both breast at the same time. Mastitis generally occurs in the first 6-12 weeks of breastfeeding, but can occur at other times as well. Clogged ducts can occur from a variety of reasons, including missed feedings or wearing a bra too tight.

Symptoms can include the following, a red mark on the effected breast, swelling, feeling hot or tender to touch. Other symptoms can include:

  • Breast lumps

  • Breast pain or burning sensation that worsens when your baby nurses.

  • Fatigue

  • Flu-like symptoms, including fever and chills.

  • Headaches

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Nipple discharge

If you suspect you have a clogged duct, keep nursing baby, as often as possible! Moving the milk through will prove crucial in getting the duct unclogged. Also try to rest as much as possible. However, if that isn’t working on its own, continue reading to find natural ways to get relief.


Try applying a moist heat pack (heating pad, rice pack, etc.) to the area of discomfort for 15 minutes before nursing baby. Read here on why using moist heat is the most effective. This can help loosen the clog so that you can nurse more effectively. After nursing, apply ice for 20 minutes to help reduce swelling. You can also take a warm epsom salt bath. Simply fill your tub with comfortably warm water and add 1-2 cups of epsom salt while the water is running to help it dissolve, grab your favorite book and relax! Try to stay in the bath for at least 10 minutes to get the full benefit of the epsom salt.


After applying moist heat, use some coconut or olive oil to massage the clogged duct. Using your fingertips, massage in a circle on the affected breast. You can also knead around the breast by gently using your knuckles. Remember to always massage inward toward the nipple to encourage the clog to make its way out via a let down. You can also massage while baby is nursing.


When relieving a clog it is best to use gravity to your advantage. Leaning forward into a warm bowl or basin of Epsom salt is very effective. Before hand expressing, grabbing baby’s blanket or watching a video of them smiling will better initiate a let-down. Even mentally visualizing your milk flowing freely will trigger the oxytocin hormone to begin a release. Place the bowl on a flat surface. Lean over the bowl and submerge your breast into the water, essentially dangling your breast, then begin hand expression or breast massages as mentioned above.


While staying hydrated is important during your entire breastfeeding journey, it is even more important when your body is trying to fight off an infection. Keep a bottle of water with you so you are more likely to continually drink it. If you need to add some flavor because you struggle to just drink water, try adding some lemon, cucumber or orange slices.


We are firm believers in using foods to cure ailments. When you have any infection, you can eat 1-2 raw garlic cloves a day to help fight the infection. Do this by buying a raw organic garlic and mince 1-2 cloves, then take by the spoonful and follow with water. While this is not a pleasant experience, it has proven to be beneficial because of its antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Liposomal Vitamin C is also effective in aiding the body in healing. You can order using this link to receive 10% off retail pricing! Simply create an account and search for Liposomal Vitamin C (we recommend Quicksilver Scientific).

Probiotics are another great addition to your supplements for healing. You can also purchase these at a discount using this link.

Fermented Cod Liver Oil has been used for centuries to aid in overall health. Cod liver oil contains large amounts of vitamins A, D, and omega-3 fatty acids. All of which aid in overall healing of the body and support continued health.

Homeopathy: Using homeopathy is highly successful and effective in many ailments that women face. Mastitis can be treated with such as well. Below are some of the homeopathic treatments we regularly use during mastitis and when to use them. These remedies should work sooner than later, and if pain is not resolved within 24 hours, it may be time to seek further support.

Phytolacca (poke root): In many mastitis cases, phytolacca is used as a remedy after the initial onset has occurred. In cases of mastitis when it has reached stinging and shooting pain, phytolacca can be useful. Breasts may appear lumpy or have knots. Sore, cracked nipples that have intense pain when baby or pump takes hold of the nipple.

Belladonna : Belladonna is also a very useful homeopathic medicine for the onset of mastitis. Belladonna works well in the initial stage of inflammation of the breast and throbbing pain is associated. When the breast is red and very swollen. When fever and hot spots on the breast are noticeable. There may also be a streaky look radiating out of the nipple, resembling sun rays. In addition, Belladonna is useful when weaning is occurring and inflammation may be present then as well.


A castor oil compress (also known as a castor oil pack) is made by soaking a cotton or flannel cloth in castor oil and then applying heat over the top. A castor oil compress is used for a number of conditions including skin conditions, blood circulation problems, digestive issues and detox. These compresses detoxify the liver naturally, support uterine and ovarian health, improve lymphatic circulation, and reduce inflammation.

Read our article to learn how to make a castor oil pack at home!

While mastitis can be frightening and painful, it can be relieved naturally without the use of antibiotics, in most cases. If you need more support in working through mastitis, please contact us to get on our schedule!

Mastitis can be a serious infection and not every case will be helped with natural remedies. This is not intended to replace medical advice.
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