Starting solids is an exciting milestone in a baby's life and can complement breastfeeding beautifully. Breastmilk provides all the essential nutrients a baby needs for the first six months of life, but as they grow, introducing solid food becomes important. Breastfeeding can (and should) continue alongside the introduction of solids, providing valuable nutrition and immune protection. Let’s explore the exciting world of starting solids, including when to begin, how to get started, and why it can be an incredibly fun adventure for both you and your baby.


The big question on every parent's mind is, "When should I start introducing solids to my baby?" Deciding when to introduce solid foods to your baby is an important milestone in their development. While breast milk or formula provides all the necessary nutrients for the first six months of life, it is recommended to start introducing solids around this time. By this time, your baby's digestive system is usually ready to handle solid foods, and they will have developed the necessary head control to sit up and swallow. It's essential to watch for signs of readiness, such as:

Sitting with support: Your baby should be able to sit up with minimal support, indicating improved head and neck control.

Loss of the tongue-thrust reflex: This reflex, which makes babies push food out of their mouths, usually diminishes by around six months.

Interest in food: Your little one may start showing curiosity about what you're eating and may try to reach for your food.

By around six months, most babies have gained enough head and neck control to sit upright and have developed the ability to coordinate their tongue and jaws for eating. Starting solids at this stage allows your baby to experience new tastes and textures, as well as provides additional nutrients and iron that are crucial for their growth and development. However, it's essential to consult with your pediatrician before starting solids, as every baby is unique and may have different readiness signs.


When it has been determined your baby is ready for solids, let's explore how to make this transition a smooth and enjoyable one-

Choose the Right Time: Pick a time when both you and your baby are relaxed and not in a hurry. A happy and calm environment can make the experience more enjoyable.

Start Simple: Begin with single-ingredient, iron-fortified baby cereal or pureed fruits and vegetables. These are easy to digest and gentle on your baby's tummy. Some options can include mashed or pureed foods, or beginning baby-led weaning while still prioritizing breastfeeding as the main source of nutrition. The World Health Organization suggests continuing to breastfeed for up to two years or beyond, as breastmilk remains a valuable source of nutrients and helps to establish a healthy eating pattern for the future.

Use a Small Spoon/Utensil: Opt for a small, soft-tipped spoon designed for babies. This will help your little one get accustomed to the sensation of eating from a utensil.

Offer Breast Milk or Formula First: Continue breastfeeding or formula feeding while introducing solids.

Go Slow: Start with just a teaspoon or two of food during the first feeding and gradually increase the amount as your baby becomes more comfortable. Or if practicing baby-led weaning, take it bite by bite.

Be Patient: Don't be discouraged if your baby initially rejects the food or seems unsure. It's a new experience, and it may take a few tries before they develop a taste for solids.


One of the most exciting aspects of starting solids is watching your child explore new flavors and textures. Here are a few tips to make this journey even more enjoyable:

Variety is Key: Introduce a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains to expose your baby to different tastes and textures.

Engage the Senses: Let your baby touch, smell, and explore the food with their hands. This sensory experience can be both fun and educational. Age-appropriate baby-led weaning is an option families can utilize.

Celebrate Milestones: Capture those memorable first bites on camera and share them with loved ones. These moments are precious and deserve to be celebrated.

Join in the Fun: Sit with your baby during mealtimes and enjoy a meal together. Babies learn by example, so your enthusiasm for food can be contagious!

Remember, the key to a successful introduction to solids is to go at your baby's pace and make it an enjoyable experience. Always prioritize your baby's cues and preferences, and don't forget to consult with your pediatrician if you have any concerns or questions along the way. At Innovations Family Wellness, we are here if you need additional support in starting solids and breastfeeding. In-person or home visits near the Tulsa, Oklahoma area and virtual appointments are available as well. Happy feeding, and bon appétit to your little one!

TKia Robinson-Walterscheid