Breastfeeding Disparities & Social Marketing

As many may know by now, I am extremely passionate about the health disparities surrounding black women and infants.

Breastfeeding Differences

• Hispanic rates @ initiation similar to whites but duration drops off

• Black rate much lower at all time points

Important differences

• Black and Hispanic women have more children than whites – Magnifies risk of child diseases – Dampens risk of breast cancer

• Black & Hisp women have more VLBW infants – 2.9% black, 1.4% Hisp, 1.1% white in 2013 – Magnifies risk of NEC

Melissa Bartick, MD, MSc, FABM presented Breastfeeding Disparities and Social Marketing at the Oklahoma Breastfeeding Summit this year. Her research continues to prove what many studies have already found. WE HAVE A PROBLEM! RACE IS STILL A MAJOR ISSUE in our wonderful country. How many research studies do we need? Everyone keeps researching and talking about the problem. We have to admit that the problem exists and move forward with solutions. I love that her presentation explored solutions!

Regarding social marketing Dr. Bartick offered this as part of her solution to the problem.

Take home points

• Clever alone won’t change behavior.

• Information alone won’t change behavior.

• Emotions are most likely to change behavior. What you like doesn’t matter. What your target audience likes is all that matters.

Recognizing the need to CHANGE the social marketing images we are bombarded with daily, is HUGE! Please click on the links above or here to view Melissa Bartick's Breastfeeding Disparities and Social Marketing slide presentation.

We all must do our part in changing our world. One person at a time. It takes a village!

Be the change you want to see.

Blessings, Montika