COBA's Ethnic Cohort

Agape Doula Danielle Lugrand - COBA Diversity Committee Chair, Doula, CLC, Midwife (in training)

Montika Collins - COBA Chair, IBCLC (Private Practice & Hospital), Resource RN

Cyndi Garcia - COBA member, IBCLC, Oklahoma Breastfeeding Hotline

Dee Dee Woodfork-Grayson - COBA Vice Chair, COBA Baby Cafe Committee Chair, CLC & Doula

In 2015, COBA received grants from NACCHO and ASTHO to improve access to breastfeeding education and support for minority mothers with the objective of reducing disparities in breastfeeding rates and family health. As our ASTHO grant is ending soon we are sending four ethnic women to learn about oral function in the infant child. Through encouraging and participating in continuing education we can provide optimal care in the communities we serve.

We are attending A Dental Perspective on Oral Function in the Infant Child

Jennifer Tow, B.F.A., IBCLC, OMT.

Leveraging epigenetics for facial growth. Learn how the infant's innate ability to deal with the challenges of early life can benefit or detract from proper facial growth. Elements of infant feeding and breathing patterns are critical to good facial development. These include proper breastfeeding, tongue mobility, airway patency, skeletal development, and weaning practices. Learn how the elimination of "compensations" and other detrimental habits is part of our role as healthcare providers.

Larry Kotlow, D.D.S.
Laser revision of tongue-tie in the infant and young child. As a world-renown pediatric dentist in the field of laser surgery and tongue-tie release, Dr. Kotlow will review the various techniques and protocols for 1) improving tongue mobility and breastfeeding competency for infants and 2) improving oral function with lip tie revisions. Participants will also learn the basics of laser surgery and how it can be applied in practice.

Sharon Vallone, D. C.
Bodywork for normalizing function in the tongue-tied infant.. The restrictions of ankyloglossia go well beyond the tongue and freeing the restriction is only part what is needed for the tongue-tied child. Dr Vallone will discuss the role of whole body assessment and illustrate how bodywork is an essential component in transitioning the tongue-tied child back to proper growth and adaptation.

Barry Raphael, D.M.D.
When does a malocclusion begin? Though people often wait for "braces age" to address crooked teeth, the pathology doesn't start then - it starts at conception and is highly influenced by environmental factors from birth onward. Dr. Raphael will introduce the symposium by describing the continuum of facial growth from conception through childhood and how it is imperative to understand and influence the ways we can affect the outcome before it's too late.