Sliding Scale Saturday’s

Has your family been affected by COVID-19? Physically, Mentally, Financially

Even if you haven’t been directly affected most likely your local hospitals and Dr’s offices have. With the threat of an influx of patients battling a contagious, upper respiratory virus, the hospital is the last place I would want to take my well infant if we were having breastfeeding difficulties.

The problem with that thought process is that insurance typically only covers hospital IBCLC’s and some CLC’s that may work in a Dr’s office. They normally DO NOT cover private lactation consultants.

This is where we can help. If your insurance covers alternative healthcare, such as chiropractic, or if you have a health share account, or perhaps an HSA or FSA, you are more likely to get our services covered.

We offer home, office and virtual visits. So if you don’t want to come out we come to you or we can use a video conferencing tool. These are great ways to continue social distancing while still getting the care you need.

Another option is if you and your family are experiencing financial hardships because of the COVID-19 virus we are offering severely discounted in office services two Saturdays a month.

✨Saturday Breastfeeding Support appointments will be One on One.

✨Appointments will be scheduled on the hour.

✨Each appointment will be 40 minutes long.

✨Please don’t come early or arrive late.

✨We want to minimize overlap in the lobby.

✨You must make an appointment and have internet access to fill out your intake paperwork and pay to secure your appointment ahead of time.

✨Our next Sliding Scale Saturday is 3/21


CALL FOR PRICING & DETAILS (documentation of hardship required)
